You are currently viewing RAHU’S TRANSIT IN THE SIGN OF PISCES 2023 :


Rahu is a shadow planet in Vedic Astrology that represents materialism, our desires, our cravings, electronic items, magic, illusion, fear, obsession and dissatisfaction. Rahu generally amplifies the significations of the house that it sits in. It also imparts us an attachment for the things or even for the relations represented by that house where it is placed in our natal chart. Ketu generally does the opposite.

Pisces is the 12th sign of the Natural Zodiac. Pisces is a watery sign. It is an emotional sign. It shows our deep thinking, our philosophical ideas, our hidden creativity or talents, our imagination, our sleep, and also our psychological sensitivity. It also represents pleasure and happiness – the need for fulfilment.

Rahu’s transit in the sign of Pisces can make us driven to shape our thinking and our imagination to ultimately achieve happiness in our lives. We all can become deep thinkers in this period and also we can dive deeper into our inner thoughts and emotions in this duration to find out what really makes us happy and motivated in our lives. Hence this can be a period where many people might feel like following their passion or might feel like wanting to do something for their own happiness – whether this is bringing someone new into their life or moving away from someone whom they already shared a relationship with. So this kind of general impact can be felt by all the 12 ascendants of Rahu’s transit in the sign of Pisces.

Aries Ascendant – Rahu will be moving into your 12th house by virtue of this transit. This is a beautiful transit for you if you are planning to move abroad especially for higher education related purposes. You can be more spiritually inclined in this period. You can become more innovative in this duration as you can utilize your imagination and creativity to create something of your own.

However you may have some disturbances in your sleep. Also your expenditure could remain on the higher side due to frequent physical health problems experienced either by you on your own or by any of your family members. This is also not a suitable time for you to make any kind of risky investments as the chances of incurring losses can be higher if you do so.

Remedy – You should wash your feet before sleeping on a daily basis to make this transit a better one for yourself.

Taurus Ascendant – Rahu would be moving into your 11th house by virtue of this transit. There could be gains from multiple sources. A long awaited wish of yours might get fulfilled in this duration. Your relationship with your friends and elder siblings would be very good in this period. Also their guidance can help you to take the correct decisions in your life in this timeframe. There would be an expansion in your network circle. New and useful people would be making their way into your life now. You would be able to achieve your aims and ambitions with relative ease in this duration.

However you could face hindrances in your job or might feel like being stuck or underutilized in your job. You may feel like changing your career path altogether. You may feel like taking risks when it comes to achieving your goals and desires and this could also turn you towards the wrong path in your life. Hence you are astrologically advised not to do so. You should act with a lot of wisdom and patience in this period.

Remedy – You should follow the advice of your well wishers before making any crucial decision of your life to make this transit a better one for yourself.

Gemini Ascendant – Rahu would be moving into your 10th house by virtue of this transit. There can be change of job in this period which can be beneficial for you in the long run. You can climb the ladder of success in your career. You may get additional responsibilities at your place of work. You can become workaholic and stay highly motivated in this period.

However you may neglect your family due to your work in this duration. There can be discord at your home because of this. You can have ego clashes with your superiors at your place of work. You may want to follow your own style of working which may not be liked by others at your place of work. This can lead to misunderstandings and can disturb your relationship with your colleagues.

Remedy – You should try maintaining a balance between your personal and professional commitments to make this transit a better one for yourself.

Cancer Ascendant – Rahu would be moving into your 9th house by virtue of this transit. There can be a lot of long distance travels undertaken by you in this duration. You can be inclined towards higher education or towards acquiring more amount of knowledge. You can also become more spiritual and religious in this period. You may feel the urge to study the religious discourses all of a sudden. You can be motivated to expand your work in this period. Also your luck can remain in your favour in this period.

However you may become rigid or unconventional in your ideologies or philosophies in this period. There can be arguments with your father or your relationship might suffer with him in this duration. Also there can be problems faced by you while undertaking short distance journeys. You may feel lethargic and bereft of energy and vigour too at times.

Remedy – You should try your best to remain enthusiastic and passionate about your work despite getting average results initially in the same for making this transit a better one for yourself.

Leo Ascendant – Rahu would be moving into your 8th house by virtue of this transit. There could be gains through your in laws in this period. You might all of a sudden become interested in gaining more knowledge about subjects related to the occult sciences or those related to mysticism. If you are a research student then this is a fairly good period for you as you would be able to do well in your domain. You might become moody and can witness sudden happiness or sadness in this period.

However you may witness sudden losses in your important works. Your relationship may get disturbed with the members of your immediate family in this duration. There can be discord with your in laws too in this period. You may become harsh and rude in the way you talk to others.

Remedy – You should try to be more positive and optimistic in this duration and try cultivating a letting go attitude in your day to day life so as to make this transit a better one for yourself.

Virgo Ascendant – Rahu would be moving into your 7th house by virtue of this transit. You can become too much focussed on your life partner now if already married. You may want to start a business venture of your own or your relationship with your business partner can be really good in case you are already involved in some partnership related work. There can be gains from foreign lands or from some foreign connection of yours in this period. Unmarried natives of this ascendant may get married in this period.

However you may neglect your own physical health and well being in this duration owing to your other works. You may become over focussed on your partner because of which you can be over critical of him or her too. This can cause disturbances in your married life.

Remedy – You should avoid drinking milk at night time to make this transit a better one for yourself. Also you should avoid criticizing your spouse in this period.

Libra Ascendant – Rahu would be moving into your 6th house by virtue of this transit. There can be gains from all quarters of your life in this period. This period can throw the spotlight at you or you can enjoy name, fame and good reputation in the society in this duration. There can be victory over all your enemies in this period. Also there can be success in competitive examinations in this duration for you.

However there can be an increment in the number of your hidden enemies or there can be more people becoming jealous of you now. There can be problems created by your enemies too. There can also be an increment in the number of diseases that you suffer from or your physical health can decline in this duration.

Remedy – You should take good amount of rest and should not overwork yourself in this duration in order to make this transit a better one for yourself.

Scorpio Ascendant – Rahu would be moving into your 5th house by virtue of this transit. You can become very much creative and romantic in this period. You can have a new love relationship in this period. You can try your luck in speculative activities and can even taste success in these. You can earn good amount of money too by making judicious use of your intelligence in this period.

However there can be arguments with your children in this period or you may not be able to fulfil their demands in this duration. You may feel confused at times with regard to your education or there can even be breaks in your education in this period.

Remedy – You should place your trust on others with due care and caution in this period so as to prevent yourself from falling into a trap created by someone else. Doing this can help you make this transit a better one for yourself.

Sagittarius Ascendant – Rahu would be moving into your 4th house by virtue of this transit. You may feel too much focussed on your domestic or home environment now. You may feel like taking the initiative for even the small works of yours house in this period. There can be a house renovation too undertaken or supervised by you. You may experience more amount of peace and happiness at your home in this duration. There can be gain of vehicle and property too for you in this period.

However there can be a lack of mental peace or inner happiness experienced by you in this period. You may feel dissatisfied with almost everything to some extent. You may desire perfection in all that you do which could often be hard for you to achieve in reality in this timeframe.

Remedy – You should avoid running after perfection and should go with the flow to make this transit a better one for yourself.

Capricorn Ascendant – Rahu would be moving into your 3rd house by virtue of this transit. This is a happy period for you as you are likely to taste success in almost all your works. You are likely to emerge victorious in competitions and there can be victory over your enemies too in this period. You may feel very happy from within and you are likely to become very popular too in this period. There can be fulfilment of your wishes in this duration.

However you may feel at times that you are struggling more to get the things in your favour especially when it comes to your career or job. You may become too much focussed on working hard and may forget the importance of smart work in the process.

Remedy – You should handle the things with care at your place of work to make this transit a better one for yourself.

Aquarius Ascendant – Rahu would be moving into your 2nd house by virtue of this transit. There could be a lot of financial gains for you in this period. You could gain ancestral wealth and property. You could become too much focussed on your immediate family members now and would like to do all in your capacity to help make their lives better. You could taste good amount of success if you are working as well as settled permanently abroad.

However your speech may become harsh with others in this time period. You may become too much frank or straightforward and this can be a cause of distress for those whom you interact with as your words could hurt their sentiments. You could be prone to accidents in this duration especially if you are also running through Rahu’s mahadasha.

Remedy – You should try avoid travelling long distances or remain very careful of your belongings while travelling in this period to make this transit a better one for yourself.

Pisces Ascendant – Rahu would be moving into your 1st house by virtue of this transit. You could become very much focussed on improving your overall personality and self confidence in this period. This is a good time for you to expand your knowledge base. You could be inclined to helping those around you. You could do very well as a counsellor or even as a healer in this duration. You could guide others onto the right path in their lives. Others would look upto you for advice and as an inspiration in their lives in this period.

However you may become over critical of the mistakes done by you in the past in this duration. You can also harbour addictions in this period. These addictions could even deviate you from walking on the correct path in your life. There could be some problems in your feet as well in this period.

Remedy – You should try doing everything in limit and should avoid doing anything in excess to make this transit a better one for yourself.

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