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Neech Bhanga Raja Yoga

Neech Bhanga Raja Yoga is the yoga which can lead you from the path of misery to the path of massive fame and glory in your life provided it is formed strongly in your birth chart. It is formed when a debilitated planet’s debilitation gets cancelled and when that happens the planet becomes stronger and can even function as good as an exalted planet for the native.

So how is the Neechbhanga Raja Yoga formed in a person’s chart?

There are 6 ways in which this yoga can be formed in the birth chart and the 6th way in which it is formed yields the most powerful results in the life of the native. So let us talk about the 6 ways of its formation:

  1.  The lord of the sign in which a planet is debilitated is sitting in the kendra or in the quadrant houses from the ascendant or the moon – However it can be considered as more powerful in this case if the concerned lord is sitting in the kendra from both the ascendant and the moon. Also if the debilitated planet is also sitting in the quadrant houses from the ascendant then it further adds to the strength of this yoga.

For example – Saturn gets debilitated in the sign of Aries and the lord of the sign of Aries is Mars. Now let us suppose Mars is sitting in Kendra from the Ascendant or from the Moon then it leads to the formation of this yoga. In this case if Mars sits in kendra from both the ascendant and the moon then the yoga is formed rather strongly. And if Saturn also sits in the quadrant houses then it further adds to the strength of this yoga. So I hope that things become clearer through this example.

  •  The planet which gets exalted in the sign in which a particular planet is debilitated sits in the kendra from the ascendant or from the moon leads to the formation of this yoga – however in this case also it can be considered as more powerful when such a planet sits in the kendra from both the ascendant and the moon. And if the debilitated planet also sits in the kendra houses then it further adds to the strength of this yoga and can lead to faster fructification of the good results.

For Example – Saturn gets debilitated in the sign of Aries and Sun is the planet which gets exalted in the sign of Aries. So if this Sun is placed in the kendra from the ascendant or from the moon then it would lead to the formation of this yoga. If Sun is placed in the kendra from both the moon and the ascendant then this yoga becomes powerful and if Saturn too is placed in the kendra from the ascendant then it further adds to the strength of this yoga.

So the 1st 2 Rules are easy for us to understand as they are more or less on the same lines. Also we can always understand better through examples.

  •  Now the 3rd method of formation of this yoga is a very interesting one and few people know about it. So in this method this yoga is formed whenever the lord of the sign in which the planet is debilitated and the lord of the sign in which that planet is exalted are in mutual kendras from each other. Sounds complicated right? Let us understand it through an example.

For Example – Saturn is debilitated in the sign of Aries. The lord of Aries sign is Mars. And Saturn is exalted in the sign of Libra. The lord of Libra sign is Venus. So if Mars and Venus both are placed in Quadrant Houses from each other – then it leads to the formation of this yoga – and in this case the results of this yoga can be very powerful too.

  •  The lord of the sign in which a planet is debilitated casts its full aspect on the debilitated planet – then also it leads to the formation of this yoga – but in this case this yoga is weakly formed or is weak in strength. One should also consider the difference in the degrees of both the planets concerned in this case. If the difference in degrees is more than 15 degrees then it leads to the further dilution of the strength of this yoga. Let us understand this by way of an Example.

For Example – Saturn is debilitated in the sign of Aries and lord of Aries sign is Mars. So if Mars fully aspects Saturn by virtue of its 4th, 7th or 8th aspect – then it leads to the formation of this yoga. But in this case we also have to check the degrees of both Mars and Saturn and if the difference in their degrees is more than 15 then the yoga is rather weakly formed and might not yield the results as per our expectations.

  •  Now the next way of formation in which this yoga is again weakly formed is when the planet which is debilitated in the birth chart gets exalted in the navamsha chart. But here what happens is that the person witnesses huge transformations in his life concerning the houses that particular planet represents in his birth chart. Through these transformations, the person concerned learns many life lessons and it is through the applications of these life lessons that the person gets good results of his efforts in the later half of his life. So this is the way it manifests in the life of the native.
  •  Now let us talk about the strongest and the most powerful neechbhanga raja yoga – This is formed whenever the debilitated planet is sitting in conjunction either with its sign lord or with an exalted planet. Also whenever this yoga is formed in kendra or trikona houses it becomes very powerful. It gives good results in the upachaya or in the 3,6, and 11 houses also. Now let us understand this through an example.

For Example – Saturn being debilitated in the sign of Aries is conjunct the sign lord Mars or Saturn being debilitated in the sign of Aries is conjunct Sun which in turn gets exalted in the Aries sign would lead to the formation of this yoga.

It can confer lasting name, fame and popularity in the life of the native. But here again we should also check the strength of the planets in the shadbala. Both the exalted as well as the debilitated planet should also be strong in the shadbala. Only then can one witness the real results of this yoga in their lives.

Now some other important points about the Neechbhanga Raja yoga :

  1.  If the Neechbhanga Raja Yoga gets formed in both the D-1 and the D-9 charts then its gets stronger and becomes more powerful. It can be formed by different set of planets in both the charts. So here the set of planets forming the yoga is not that important.
  2.  If in the Neechbhanga Raja Yoga the debilitation of a yogakaraka planet gets cancelled – then very good results can be witnessed by the native. For example if for a Cancer Ascendant person the debilitation of Mars gets cancelled or if for a Capricorn Ascendant person the debilitation of Venus gets cancelled – then very good results follow into the life of such a native.
  3.  Neechbhanga Raja Yoga can give one very good results but only in the professional life of the Native. The person can have to suffer in his personal life by virtue of debilitation of that particular planet. This is even more true when this yoga is formed by the cancellation of debilitation of a natural benefic planet like Jupiter or Venus for example.

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