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There are some people who prefer to walk alone in their lives. Such people take the major decisions of their life all on their own without much support from others. However there are some other kind of people too – the ones who have the support of well wishers always by their side and hence they are often able to take the correct decisions in their lives because they receive good guidance at the right time. Such people are also quite social and usually possess a good number of friends whom they can rely upon when needed. It is these people who generally have the Lunar Raj Yogas being formed in their chart. There are 3 Kinds of Lunar Raja Yogas – the Sunapha, Anapha and the Durudhar Raja Yogas.

Now what exactly are these Lunar Raj Yogas?

The Lunar Yogas are formed by the planet Moon. Moon represents our mind in astrology. Moon when placed alone in the chart in any house is generally not a good thing – because then it shows that the mind of a such a person can be surrounded by unwanted thoughts that could lead him towards pessimism. Such a person could overthink a lot. And such a person could also feel the lack of support in his life as in he could feel alone on a mental level. However whenever Moon is placed along with another planet in a chart, or even when it is surrounded by planets on either side of it – it kind of derives the required support from these planets – thereby making such a person mentally active and social in his life. And it this placement of Moon which leads to the formation of the Lunar Raj Yogas in astrology.

So first let us first talk about the Sunapha Raj Yoga. It is formed whenever there is a planet other than Sun, Rahu and Ketu placed in the 2nd house from the Moon. The person having this yoga is a self made person who can be able to amass a lot of wealth and property in his life. He gets the company of good people and is able to take the correct decisions for himself based on the guidance received from others. Such a person is very intelligent, practical and popular in his social circle. He is even admired by others due to his good level of intellect. Some Astrologers are also of the viewpoint that the placement of any planet other than Sun, Rahu and Ketu in the 4th house from the Moon leads to the formation of this yoga.

Now the Anapha yoga. It is formed when any planet other than Sun, Rahu and Ketu is placed in the 12th house from the Moon. The person born with this yoga is healthy, satisfied and happy in his life. Such a person is also very capable and skilled. He is mentally strong and positive in his life. He is admired by others due to his good nature and has a confident personality. Some Astrologers are also of the viewpoint that this yoga is formed whenever there is any planet other than Sun, Rahu and Ketu placed in the 10th house from the Moon.

Now let us talk about the best of these 3 Lunar Raj Yogas which indeed is the Durudhar Raj Yoga. It is formed when there is any planet other than Sun, Rahu and Ketu placed both in the 2nd house from the Moon as well as in the 12th house from the Moon. This is a very powerful Raja Yoga. It can make the person rise to a very high position in his life. Such a person has to struggle less and often tastes good amount of success in the early part of his life. Such a person can be considered as fortunate and lucky in his lifetime. He is likely to be born either in a well to do family by birth or there can be chances of him becoming very wealthy once he grows up. The person having this Raja Yoga is also unharmed by his enemies and leads a comfortable lifestyle. In case of any kind of adverse situation he usually gets divine help and faces such situations with a lot of courage. The native has a never giving up attitude and is optimistic in his approach. So overall this is a Raja Yoga which can make the person very successful, happy, wealthy, and fortunate in his life.

If the durudhar raja yoga is formed due to the natural benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus being placed on either side of the planet Moon – then very good results of this yoga can be seen in the life of the native. Such a native can be successful in the field of politics and can be very famous in his life. People can look upto him as an inspiration in their lives. The mind of such a native is quite stable and calm. He takes each and every decision of his life with due care and caution. Also such a native is very patient.

If the durudhar raja yoga is formed by the planets Mercury and Venus being placed on either side of the Moon – then also pretty good results of this yoga can be seen in the life of the native. Such a native is soft spoken, humble, simple and down to earth. He is very brave and courageous. He stays healthy, happy and carefree mostly. He also enjoys a good reputation in the society.

If however the durudhar raja yoga is formed by the planets Mars and Saturn being placed on either side of the planet Moon – then lesser good results of this yoga can be witnessed by the native. While such a native does not lack support in his life yet he might have to face his opponents on a frequent basis. There can be problems created by his enemies in his life. Such a person could also be aggressive by nature and could be proud of his achievements. However such a native becomes very wealthy in his lifetime.

Lastly, some astrologers are also of the viewpoint that the durudhar raja yoga gets formed when there are planets other than Sun, Rahu and Ketu placed in the 4th as well as in the 10th houses from the Moon in the birth chart.

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