The placement of the ascendant lord or the Lagnesh in the 1st house itself can bring a lot of good luck in the life of the native and can make him very fortunate. Such a person has the divine blessings of god on him. The personality of the person is very impactful and the person is very positive, optimistic, and both mentally as well as physically strong. The native can also be very good looking and can attract the person of the opposite sex easily. Additionally, such a native is blessed with good health, wealth, wisdom, and intelligence.
Example Chart :
In the above chart, the native is Aries ascendant and has his ascendant Lord Mars placed in the 1st house or in the ascendant itself. The native is blessed with financial gains, vehicles, properties, and all-round prosperity in his lifetime. Hence this placement of the ascendant lord in the ascendant itself has given the native a strong personality as well as blessed him with all kinds of comforts.
- The placement of the ascendant lord in the 2nd house can bring a lot of financial gains in the life of the native. Such a native can have a good bank balance, can do well in family business, and can prove to be lucky for his parental family since his birth. The native can be a big foodie and like eating in larger quantities, so such a person can also have the tendency to gain weight faster in his lifetime. The native can be pleasant in the way he talks and can impress others through his speech. This position of the ascendant lord or the Lagnesh in the 2nd house can also bless the native with wealth after his marriage takes place and is a good position overall for the Lagnesh.
Example chart:

In the above chart, the native is Taurus ascendant and the ascendant Lord Venus is placed in the 2nd house. The native has been blessed with a good family life, and also with a lot of fortune and a good financial condition. The native was also involved in the field of business along with his family members and did quite well there too.
- The placement of the ascendant lord in the 3rd house can make the native very courageous and brave, very hardworking, and having a never-say-die attitude. Such a native through his willpower can accomplish even the toughest of things in his life. Such a person is ambitious and can have very good relations with his friends as well as with his brothers and sisters. Also, such a native can do extremely well in the fields connected with media or communication. Additionally, such a native is also lucky and fortunate.
Example Chart:

In the above chart, the native is Leo’s ascendant and has his ascendant lord sun placed in the 3rd house of his birth chart. The native is extremely brave, courageous, and hardworking and believes in living his life to the fullest. The native is a very successful businessman and has reached the pinnacle of success in his career and this is major because of his strong willpower by virtue of the placement of the ascendant lord in the 3rd house of his chart.
- The placement of the ascendant lord in the 4th house can bless the native with a lot of happiness from his mother, and homeland, and can give the native comfort of vehicles and properties in his lifetime. Such a native can be lucky when it comes to doing any work related to land or real estate. Also, the native can get a very good position in his career and rise to a higher status in his life. Overall such a native is a happy-go-lucky person and is also very fortunate.
Example Chart:

In the above chart, the native is Libra ascendant, and his ascendant lord Venus is placed in the 4th house of his birth chart. The native is a very happy person and has comforts of houses and properties in his lifetime. Also, the native has a happy family life and is happily married too. So here the placement of the ascendant Lord Venus in the 4th house of the native’s birth chart has blessed him with such comforts and happiness in his life.
- The placement of the ascendant lord in the 5th house of the birth chart can make the native very intelligent, sharp, creative, good communicator and can make him rise in the creative fields in his lifetime. Such a native can know multiple disciplines and can be very artistic. The native can have multiple sources of income and can earn money through his own efforts or hard labor. But such a native usually has a deep connection with his past life karmas and reaps the fruits of his hard work with rather difficulty if the ascendant lord in the 5th house is under any kind of malefic impact.
Example chart:

In the above chart, the native is a cancer ascendant and has his ascendant lord Moon debilitated in the 5th house of his chart. The native is a very kind, humble, and sober person who does a lot of hard work in his life. the native is also successful but gets lesser rewards for the hard work put in by him due to the ascendant lord being debilitated and hence in a weak position in the 5th house. The native is very creative and artistic in nature.
- The placement of the ascendant lord in the 6th house can often result in the native being successful in competitive examinations. Such a native is very competitive and sporty by nature. Also, such a native can have a larger number of enemies in his lifetime. Such a native is usually employed in a job and has higher ambitions. Such a native is generally dissatisfied with what he achieves in his life as he always aspires for more. If the ascendant lord is afflicted in the 6th house by any malefic planet then this position of the ascendant lord can worsen the health of the native and can land him into trouble due to litigation and also due to his hidden enemies. Also, the struggle of the person to establish himself can last for a longer duration of his life and can take a toll on his mental as well as physical health. But if the ascendant lord in the 6th house is under positive influences or under the aspect or in conjunction with benefic planets then it can give the native victory over all his enemies and make him invincible to his opponents.
Example chart:

In the above chart, the native is Aries ascendant, and the ascendant Lord Mars is placed in the 6th house along with the moon in that house which is a soft planet. This placement of the ascendant lord in the 6th house has made the native grab a good government job very early in his life but also has given him a lot of dissatisfaction in his workplace and rivalry with his coworkers or colleagues. However, the native can overcome the opposition due to his strong willpower as his ascendant lord in the 6th house is unafflicted or devoid of any malefic influences.