Overview Aries Horoscope

Aries zodiac sign :

Aries personality :

Positive traits :

Aries is the 1st zodiac sign and it symbolizes new beginnings, courage, vitality, optimism, and passion. Aries sign is a fiery sign and is ruled by the planet mars. It can be said for the aries personality that their bravery never goes out of fashion. They are both mentally as well as physically strong. They are curious and always look out for opportunities where they can outshine their competitors. They are very good leaders and have powerful communication skills. They are also good at multitasking.

Negative traits :

Aries can be very quick to take action often leading them to making the wrong choices in their lives. They can be very impulsive and impatient by nature. They generally want quick results of their efforts. They can often end up becoming disappointed and can be dissatisfied easily in their lives owing to their high ambitions and aspirations. They can also be  aggressive by nature and many times this trait of their personality can cause a rift in their relationships with their near and dear ones.

Aries compatibility : most compatible signs :

  • Libra, aquarius, gemini, capricorn and cancer.

Aries compatibility : incompatible signs :

  • Pisces, taurus, virgo and scorpio.

Aries lucky colours :

  • Red, yellow, orange, and golden.

Aries lucky days :

  • Tuesday, thursday and sunday.

Aries zodian sign dates (western astrology)

  • 21st march to 19th april.

Aries zodiac sign dates (vedic astrology)

  • 13th april to 14th may.

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